This may have been answered before but I am setting up a new orchestral template in DP. I'm using Dimension Strings and Brass in addiion to the Cube samples and using VE, VI Pro with MirX. In the research I've done most composers break up their midi tracks according to short, long, , etc., for each instrument. From what I have read and watched on the videos for the Dimension Strings and Brass, this will defeat the incredible control you can get over the individual instruments. This will change my workflow a bit but what I am after is the most realistic orchestra I can create.
So my questions for those who have experience with the dimension string and brass....
1. What have you found to be the most effective layout to take full advantage of the Dimension libraries?
2. Are there any downloadable VE frames that contain an orchestral template?
3. If there are no frames that can be downloaded, Can someone upload screen shots of their VE layout and maybe recommend multis or patches or presets that have proven most effective for them?
4. If I go with a standard scoring orchestra set up of 12 Violin 1s. 12 violin 2s, 10 violas, 8 celli and 4 DBl. basses and create an VI Pro instance for each individual instrument as the video says (assuming the violas and Basses are ready soon) will MirX place them in the concert hall or recording studio appropriately as I add more instruments? (I'm assuming that if each instrument is in it's own space in MIRX that using multiples of the same instrument in the same section isn't an issue because of the perspective they are placed in. If it is an issue are there any tips or tricks to vary the sound of the instruments to avoid a doubling effect?)
I realize there will be customization depending on what I am doing and need patch wise but it sure would help to have some kind of basic set up to be able to build from. I have a dedicated mac mini with 16 gig of ram and 2, 500gb SSD drives for my orchestral samples. Will this set up be able to run a complete VSL orchestra?
Sorry for all the questions. I've read the manuals and watched the videos but there is so much to take in. I know once I get a basic set up, I will be able to modify it to meet my needs. I hope to complete my template over the next week and I am sweating bullets as I stare at the manuals and hope not to have to try this multiple times from scratch in order to get something that meets my needs. Any help would be much appreciated.