Hi everybody,
I've encountered a problem with my Clarinet and Flute Patches of the VSL Special Edition I'havent encountered before. When I load a staccato patch the sample isn't played fully but cut directly after the attack so that in faster parts of my compositions it almost sounds like a slide down.It sounds like the patch is not fully loaded. When I play a single note this problem is not that obvious.
I didn't change anything on the computer, so I don't know waht the reason for this is.
What I recognized that sometimes there is an error message shown that something isn't right with the e licenser. But I can imagine that this has something to do with that glitch because my other VSl Instruments are working.
I'm using Cubase 7 with a Win 8.1. machine.
Thanks for your help
Suddenly Staccato Patch Problem VSl Special Edition
Hi Trombking,
This sounds like you only hear the small part of the sample that is loaded into RAM.
Did your hard-drives maybe go to sleep-mode?
Does it get better if you restart your computer?
What exactly is the eLicenser message you get?
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support