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  • Vienna Suite and VePro

    Does Vienna Suite in Connection with VePro run on all slaves or is it a license that is valid for only one slave? Or in other words do I have to get 3 VSuite licences for 3 VePro slaves?

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    Hi mmueller,

    @mmueller said:

    Or in other words do I have to get 3 VSuite licences for 3 VePro slaves?

    EDIT: Vienna Suite comes with 3 licenses (with each purchase).



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I thought (at least in the past) that your purchase of Vienna Suite included 3 licences. Was I mistaken or have things changed?



  • I´m so sorry, I misunderstood the question. 

    1 Vienna Suite purchase provides you with 3 licenses. 

    Sorry about the misunderstanding!!!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Thank you.