This is not about the new scripter plugin but about the the developpement of a custom midi plugin.
I have found this interesting post on LogicProHelp
Looks like it is now possible to develop a midi FX plugin for Logic.
I think this could be really interesting for VI Pro and/or VE Pro developpers and users.
some ideas...
-Creating some kind of 'Expression Map' plugin that could send multiple keyswitches with a single note or CC or even program change message. Accessible with the automation parameter. This would simplify the keyswitching process.
Example application 1: transforming CC value to send Matrix KS + X-axis KS + Y Axis KS + A/B KS;
Example application 2: Controlling Keyswitches via automation parameter.
-For Dimension Libraries: Creating an auto divisi plugin that splits notes across different midi channels;
-For Dimension Libraries: turning on and off some players (midi Channels), transposing, harmonizing, define players in chord voicing.
(-The VI Pro sequencer could be ported to a midi plugin but would be limited to midi compatible message only. Maybe this one is not a good idea.)
The new scripter plugin already offer some cool new possibilities but is more limited and the interface can't be customized.
I know it's hard for a company to decide to spend some resources for only a fraction of their customer (Logic users) but this is not so different than spending times to write Sibelius Soundsets or Expression maps presets.
I tried to switch from Logic to Cubase because of the expression map. But I finally got back to Logic because other things that I prefer in Logic. I was disappointed that Logic X doesn't come with an articulation tool like Cubase. But this is promising if only some programmer creates a midi plugin for orchestral libraries someday. How would buy this right away.
Feel free to post you ideas about it.