I am in the process of deciding which MIRx Venue to buy first. While Reading the Manual I discovered that in the MozartSaal Venue there are only presets for Chamber orchestra instruments, does this mean that for example the Appasionata Strings only have Profiles for the GrosserSaal and Teldex? Or are there Profiles for the MozartSaal too.
Thanks in advance
MIRx Instrument Profiles
Hi Alexander,
thanks for your interest in MIRx.
Either there's a mistake in the manual or you misinterpreted something - I can assure you that dedicated Instrument Profiles are available for more or less all VSL instruments in all three MIRx-venues (... because I created them myself 8-) ...).
... but simply get yourself a demo-license for MIRx and give it a try! :-)
Kind regards,
/Dietz - Vienna Symphonic Library -
Thanks for your quick response and the great work on the presets. Sadly I already activated the demo demo licenses for all three venues but had only time to test drive Teldex, hence my question. All the best Alex