Hi Paul & the rest of the world ,
although I don't use the MULTIPORT MACRO ( which by the way is a brilliant idea ) , I am currently in the situation to transfer my
selfmade Monster Macros that grew bigger and bigger inside my templates since Logic 4 .
I have LOGIC X 10.0.3 installed on a Macpro but haven't switched to use it so far , rather doing some tests how to transfer
Environments into this version (successfully).
Here my (current) results how to successfully get Environments/MACRO Objects from former Logic versions into LOGIC 10.0.3 :
1. Rule :
Don't use the function "Import Layer" at all.
This will ruine most/all of the original cabling , both in open Evironment Layers as well as (protected) MACRO Objects.
2. Rule :
Use copy & paste instead !
To prepare an existing Environment Layer / MACRO Object for a proper transfer into LPX 10.0.3 please
delete all cables that connect any Object / MACRO Object with Objects in other Layers . (Very important !)
Save this Logic (7/8/9) session now with a new name, ideally after unloading all AU-PlugIns in it.
Now create an empty LOGIC 10.0.3 session. Name it, save it.
Now open the (Logic7/8/9) session that contains the MACRO Object/Environment Layer
you want to get into LPX . ( But don't close the LPX10.0.3 session you've just created.)
Select the desired MACRO Object/ Environment Objects , now use the Menue "Edit -> Copy" .
Switch back to the empty LPX 10.0.3 session, create a new Environment Layer , name it.
Use the Menue "Edit -> Paste" .
Now the MACRO Object is in your session , and none of the cabling should be broken.
Please Note (!): I found that it makes a difference to use the Menue approach of Copy&Paste,
compared to the usual shortcuts approach. So please do it the way I've described it above.
This is at least what I've found for the MACROS I copied , some of them containing more than
40 objects cabled .
Although I haven't tried this procedure with VSL's MULTIPLE PORT MACRO myself , give it a try .
Hope this helps some of you LPX users.