@Suntower said:
I -love- CS so take the following comments as such... good, bad & ugly.
I think Chamber Strings sounds very different from Dimension and I actually prefer the sound of CS in -general-. Plus it's easier to use for simple things, faster to load--just sounds good OOTB. I especially like the basses... Although I -do- wish there was a 2nd violin for a bit more variety of colour.
Also, at the risk of sounding -whatever-, it sounds about 400% better with the Extended Lib so that's almost a -must- unless you want to do a -lot- of hand work. I mean not 100%. I mean 400% better.
And at the risk of sounding even -more- -whatever-. I don't have a lot of money to throw around. I think CS has always been quite spendy IMHO... and even more so when you factor in the cost of the Extended Lib. In short: that's a LOT of shekels for added colour. I got CS because there was NOTHING else like it for a long time. I still love it, but...
Hello Suntower,
Thanks for your helpful feedback regarding Chamber Strings.
Do Chamber Strings users feel they are very good to use when a more Period Style (i.e. Baroque Strings Ensemble , think Bach, Handel, ..etc. ) is needed ? I'm asking this, because in addition to using CS to layer, and add more color to the other VSL Strings, I enjoy using Strings for Baroque style writing, and would like to know if CS would be very good to use when a Period Style String section sound is needed.