Hi Everyone,
In the process of setting up comprehensive VE-templates for Dimension libraries I came across something that I am really missing in VE:
An object that receives MIDI-Input and can transform and forward it to other objects. Say, you have 8 Dimension solo-violins on channels 1-8 that you can all address separately from your sequencer (which I do a lot, and it's GREAT). For quick input purposes it would be good to be able use channel 9 to play all of the violins together, maybe channel 10 to play the odd-numbered, and 11 to play even-numbered. That way you can instantly play tutti, div à2 and all individually, without loading any other samples or creating any more objects on MIR's stage (thus conserving CPU-power). This is even useful for quick key-switching articulations or riding CCs for all of them at once, instead of having to copy MIDI-data across all tracks individually.
In Logic, I usually place a MIDI-Instrument before the VE-channel-strip that addresses these respective MIDI-channels. However, when doing track-imports, these lose their cabling, so it becomes cumbersome. It would be great to have that self-contained inside the ensemble.
Getting more creative - with a MIDI-processing-object in the VE-Mixers like that you can create custom doublings and combinations that you don't need to set up separate instruments for. Even better, with re-routed MIDI each instrument is playing from their respective position on stage through their Instrument profile. If you then have the ability, by means of KS or PrgCh, automate the routing, you can switch doublings on the fly. Would be amazing.
Is there a chance for some MIDI-processing inside VE?
Best from Alaska (currently),