MIRx' "Pre-EQs" are the equivalent of MIR Pro's "Character Presets" (... both rely on the much-lauded algorithms used for Vienna Suite's Master EQ, BTW). The main difference is that there's just _one_ of them in MIRx for each position in a chosen Venue, while there are 5 to 10 Venue-independent (and thus more generalized) settings for each Vienna Instrument in MIR Pro. The MIRx-settings are treated to fit to the selected position in the chosen Venue and its Room EQ settings as good as possible.
They all will be integrated into MIR Pro as dedicated MIRx-Character Presets, adding about 1.000 hand-made setups to the ones already available (another 1.000, AFAIR ... ;-P...). The update will be available as soon as the integration of MIRx' automatisms and additional possibilities (like multiple Room EQ-busses, which are an important part of MIRx' sound) are implemented.
Kind regards,