...I am deeply sorry about it.
You are OK Ricardo
The sentence above clearly shows it.
Nevertheless, I try to give you a feedback for getting more the understanding of the situation.
I am 54 and I believe William "can count a similar amount of years". So we are another generation. When we had your age we learned:
- "Why do you believe that you are right - with no experience?
- "be modest"
- "thinking before talking"
... and lots of such things.
Young people today come with an "unblieveble and hugely" self-convidence in our eyes - so that we (the oldies) feel some statements very impolite or cheeky.
Try to understand this:
Why do you believe, that you - young, inexperienced, as a beginner - are legitimated to say...
- that a lot of developmend engineers and
- a product that has been released years ago
- thousands of professional musicians
didn't seen that here is a fault which needs to be fixed... ?
Another example
Not long ago a student wanted to make a period of practical instruction in my company. Though he never earned money before he promised me that my profit will increase after his time beeing with me...
Why did he believe that he can increase my profit? He only saw schoolhouses... This appears arrogant in the eyes of us 50+
I agree you are not an ignorant or anything similar. But we "oldies" really can't understand this huge self-convidence of young people. We called that a bluff when we have been young. On the other hand I see that this seems to be the current standard today all over the world. So you are doing nothing wrong so far. Your reaction seems to be the modern one.
Nevertheless, I hope you also can understand why a statement of a beginner (...need to be fixed) appears like a provocation for our generation.
One last thing
William and I are not only "oldies" in life we also are old hands here in the forum (See when we joined here).
Unfortunately we are a bit tired of all those beginners who start to use VSL-samples, then it doesn't work how they believe it sould and the next step is a post here "there is a bug to fix".
So please also understand William's goodby and our tiredness in this point. The story with the bugs here and there over the last 10 years get on our nerves sometimes.
Nevertheless, we are still willing to help and to share our huge amount of collected experiences.
OK, dear Ricardo
I tried to show the other side of your point of view. It isn't important to fix which one could be the right one. The most important thing is the understanding of the other side.
I wish you a lot of success in using samples of VSL.
All the wonderfull demos will show you, that a lot of things are possible.
And if not: There are still real players around who like to play just the music you want...
- Tips & Tricks while using Samples of VSL.. see at: https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/vitutorials/ - Tutorial "Mixing an Orchestra": https://www.beat-kaufmann.com/mixing-an-orchestra/