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  • [SOLVED] VE Pro open first, then opening Cubase 7 causes eLicenser Control Error (Win8x64)

    Heya. I've started using VE Pro, and while it does all work correctly, I am unable to have VE Pro open PRIOR to opening cubase or any other program that uses my eLicenser. When having VE Pro open (even without a metaframe loaded, just the VE Pro 64bit Server) I get the following error: ---- eLicenser Control - Error Application 'Cubase / Cubase Artist' has caused the following error: An important service has become unresponsive. Please restart your computer to fix this problem. Please visit to download and install the latest version of the Elicenser Control software in case the problem persists. ---- I've checked to make sure VE Pro, eLicenser and Cubase 7 are all up to date, along with all windows updates etc - I've also made sure that all the programs are being run with full admin settings - I'm unsure what else to try really. It works fine when running cubase and then opening VE Pro though - but this sort of isn't ideal considering the workflow improvements is what I'm mainly using VE Pro for :P

  • Hello Stiltzkinz, 

    Just checked with Cubase 7 on Win7 64 bit, no problems there.

    Did you check with Steinberg that this actually doesn´t have anything to do with Cubase 7 Artist (as the "normal" Cubase 7 seems to work fine)?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • I can't open any other program that uses eLicenser - not even another instance of VE Pro. Additionally, I'm using full cubase, the error just seems to encorporate cubase and cubase artist, as the error seems to come from elicenser :/

  • Hi Stiltzkinz, 

    eLicenser is part of Steinberg - I believe the best way to get help fast is to contact Steinberg directly. 



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Just as an update incase it happens to anyone else; I managed to fix this specific problem in the end by removing an old deactivated soft-eLicenser file. The instructions for which I found in another thread on this forum: 1) If there are still licenses on the soft eLicenser, transfer them to your USB eLicenser. 2) Then erase the file "SeLicenser.sel" manually. It can be found here: /Library/Application Support/Syncrosoft Soft-eLicenser/ This fixed the problem completely :)

  • I've had this exact issue on two separate builds; using Win7 x64 and Win8.1 Pro x64. Only when I recently moved over from Ableton to Cubase and the latter did not start up (since it needs eLicenser) did I realize that VEP Pro is the culpit. In my previous build, Ableton would fail to open any plugins requiring eLicenser. In my current build with Cubase, Cubase simply won't load and shows the error message as reported in above posts.

    All in all, over the last year, I have spent more time updating eLicenser, rebooting the computer (according to the error message), changing USB ports for the key, than what I have spent in VEP Pro and Vienna Instruments Pro!

    Since VEP is the only program that seems to cause this issue, I would not be so quick to blame Steinberg, Paul.

    Thanks a lot for the proposed fix, Stiltzkinz! Attempted this last night, but Win8 gave me some issues with "SeLicenser.sel" being object protected. Will try to find a way around that though. Maybe I will be able to finally use VEP Pro after a year and a half of crashes :)



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    @chrishawk said:

    I've had this exact issue on two separate builds; using Win7 x64 and Win8.1 Pro x64. Only when I recently moved over from Ableton to Cubase and the latter did not start up (since it needs eLicenser) did I realize that VEP Pro is the culpit. In my previous build, Ableton would fail to open any plugins requiring eLicenser. In my current build with Cubase, Cubase simply won't load and shows the error message as reported in above posts.

    All in all, over the last year, I have spent more time updating eLicenser, rebooting the computer (according to the error message), changing USB ports for the key, than what I have spent in VEP Pro and Vienna Instruments Pro!

    Since VEP is the only program that seems to cause this issue, I would not be so quick to blame Steinberg, Paul.

    Thanks a lot for the proposed fix, Stiltzkinz! Attempted this last night, but Win8 gave me some issues with "SeLicenser.sel" being object protected. Will try to find a way around that though. Maybe I will be able to finally use VEP Pro after a year and a half of crashes 😊



    Did you arrive at a solution for this problem?

    I have the reverse situation with Cubase 8. If I launch Cubase 8 then attempt to launch VEP I get the attached errors as described above. Replacing SeLicenser.sel, uninstalling and reinstalling all products has no effect. Any suggestions welcome.

  • Hi David,

    Try this:
    1. Don't start VEP server at boot
    2. Start Cubase but do not load a project
    3. Start VEP server
    4. Load Cubase project

    It seems that VEP locks the eLicenser at times, I've encountered this too many times with Arturia's plugins too. However, Cubase is probably only verified at the startup, so if you can prevent VEP from being active when starting your DAW, you should be fine.

    Thankfully I have moved to a master-slave system myself now, which spares me this issue (VEP runs on separate machine from the DAW).

    Let me know how it works!


  • Hi Chris,

    Sadly, already tried that. There is clearly some difference between Cubase 8 and 7.5, in that I only get this issue with Cubase 8. Even if your solution worked for me, it wouldn't solve my problem. Say I had reached the mixing stage and found there was an issue with a particular instrument and I wanted to just replace that instrument. Normally I would load the project in Cubase and then VEP, so that opening the project would not trigger opening all 20GB of instances when I only wanted to re-record just 1 350MB instrument. I use 2 slaves, but all my brass is still hosted on the DAW.


    I have raised a ticket with Steinberg with disappointing results - it took 2 weeks for their first response which was effectively a 'turn if off, turn it on again we assume you're an idiot standard response' with an 'it's VEP causing the problem so it's not our fault anyway' footer. I replied immediately pointing out why it is an eLicenser issue as much as a VEP issue and that they should maybe be a little more helpful (but more polite than that!) 8 days ago and so far - tumbleweed.


    I haven't raised a VSL ticket at this point because the problem only occurs with CB8 - but maybe it is worth a try. I guess I'm assuming that VSL don't necessarily understand the inner workings of the eLicenser (which is of course, as the error messages show, the bit that is falling over).

  • Hello,

    since yesterday I've got the same problem. When I start VE Pro first and then Cubase 7.5 then I get the same error message and cubase won't start. When I open cubase first and then VE Pro I still get a error message but at least VE Pro starts.

    Thing is, this didn't happen before, all was working just fine. The only things I changed recently was updating Kontakt to the latest version and update the graphics drivers because a 3rd party VST plugin needed it.

    I tried everthing which came to mind and suggested here as well including updating VE Pro and the elicenser software to the latest version. But the problem still persists.

    I can't investigate this problem further since I'm using a demo version of VE Pro and the licence time is running out on me.

    I was wondering if there is a new solution.

    My Setup: Win 7 64bit, Cubase 7.5.4


    Best, Przemyslaw

  • For me, the work around was to change my VEP setting from 'run as administrator' to normal ( I had pre set it in the compatibility settings for reasons I can no longer remember).

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    @David Gosnell said:

    For me, the work around was to change my VEP setting from 'run as administrator' to normal ( I had pre set it in the compatibility settings for reasons I can no longer remember).


    Hello David,

    thanks for your response. THis gave me an idea to run VE Pro with " run as administrator" and now it works. Its strange, because I did work before without needing this setting. Anyway, I'm glad it works now.
    Thank you.

  • I know this is an old thread but it just saved my sanity as I upgraded my Pro Tools rig from Win 7 to Win 10 today. Despite updating everyhing possible I had the same eLicenser error screen re service unreponsible appearing until I changed VE Pro to run as admin.


  • You're welcome!

    From recollection, I don't think it matters whether it is 'Run As Administrator' or not - what is key is that both Cubase and VEP had to have the same setting as each other to avoid the error.



  • Reviving this thread. Recently moved from Mac to Windows and VE Pro causes this problem nearly every day. I've tried every single thing on this page and nothing fixes it. Doesn't matter whether I start Cubase 10.5 or VE Pro first -- VE Pro kills the eLicenser.

    Any other ideas...? It's killing my workflow when it happens (I need to reboot in order for it work again).

  • Hi Headlands, 

    We also hope that eLicenser will provide a more stable solution for these situations.

    For now, instead of restarting, you can also kill the synsopos process in the Task Manager, that should do it. 


    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL