How would I create a warmer vibrato with Solo Strings? I tried espressivo and the others but they seem very harsh. The only thing close is the vibrato sustain down patch.
Warmer Solo String Vibrato?
Hi Rolf.
I don't have Solo Strings. But to have a warmer sound on dimension violin I use the sul G legato. Since you have no control on the the playing position with solo strings maybe you could try using the alto instead of the violin if the range is ok for you. Using bigger/lower strings and avoiding open strings should give a warmer sound.
Strings position, that would be a great addition to the solo strings library.
You are using Sul Ponticello on G String?
I dont have dimension strings because I honestly dont know what advantage I have, neither how many velocity levels it has. I just see the number of articulations is not very much. Of course I would give it a try but with only 16 Gigabyte RAM I am not sure how far I can get with Dimension Strings and how much RAM it needs if I load an entire solo violin with all its articulations.
I am thinking of getting vienna instrument pro. Maybe changing the vibrato speed of some patches, including turning the filter down would give a better effect of a warm string vibrato. Either way it would be very nice if existing users could get a bonus "molto vibrato" patch. I honestly think that is the only thing missing in the library.
@Rolf_Music said:
A different work-around for solo strings would be to increase the speed of the forte crescendo patches which have a naturally very high and expressive vibrato in the second half of the note duration.You could use two different cells and crossfade between the forte crescendo (for the first note) and the legato espressivo patch (for connecting notes). Don't know if slot crossfade is a VI Pro only though.