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  • The editions: prices and sizes

    Hello everybody!

    Fresh from L.A., here´s the most important figures concerning prices, size and samples, a detailed overview will soon be released:

    Basically our releases are divided in 2 sections:

    1. Single note samples (including Dynamics, Trills, Tremolos…)
    2. Performance Samples (Legato Performances, Repetition Performances, Octave Runs)

    ad 1.: These are the packages for the single note samples:

    Strings: 10.000 Samples, 8GB, 940 $
    Brass&Woodwinds: 26.000 Samples, 17 GB, 850 $
    Percussion: 6.000 Samples, 10GB, 390 $

    Get all of them as “Orchestral Cube”:

    42.000 Samples, 35 GB, 1890 $

    ad 2: Performance Set (for all instruments in the Orchestral Cube, including powerful Midi-Processors):

    36.000 Samples, 26 GB, 1490$

    Combine the “Orchestral Cube” with the “Performance Set”, you get:
    78.000 Samples, 61 GB for 3090$

    There will be 2 DVD-Editions:

    the “First Edition” (44.1/16) to come in November, which will cover all the most important instruments of an orchestra,
    the “Pro Edition” (44.1/24) to come in the 2nd Quarter 2003, covering all the other (and many exotic!) intruments (approximately 148.000 Samples)!

    And we´re still not finished: The “Symphonic Cube” (350.000 Samples) will be released in the 4th Quarter 2003, giving you Scale Performances, Broken Chord Performances and many more additional Performances.

    VIP: The Vienna Innovation Program is our upgrade-path, it´s as simple as that: You´ll never pay double for what you already have, and you have 2 important benefits: Working with the Vienna Symphonic Library NOW and saving money on the next upgrade.

    I hope, that this information is sufficient for now, as we are preparing our official product-overview for this site.

    Best regards, Paul

    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Very nice! I'm very glad to see them priced in this range. So many other libraries overprice like mad and are not worth it (read Miroslav). These clearly will be. Can't wait!

  • Hi,

    I can't believe that you actually did what I thought was impossible.[[:|]]

    Extremly impressive ! ! !

    I noticed price was indicated with "EUR"

    Would that be the same as US Dollars ?

    And thank you again for the Library,


  • It's very easy: EUR = US-$
    In the Shop you'll soon see your currency depending on the country you're ordering from.

    Vienna Symphonic Library