I realized last night that I could probably create shapes for crescendos , decrescendos and hairpins to trigger CC2 (VelocityXFade) in Finale rather than changing XFade to CC11. I've observed some anomolies when Expression and VelocityXFade are set to the same controller.
I create a hidden text expression like "VXF - cresc. whole note" and under the playback tab I pick execute shape and create a shape that lasts 8 eighth notes and set the Level Scale ratio according to how drastic or subtle I want the difference to be.
So I suppose one danger is how far do you take it. For example you have to account for various note lengths and the amount of crescendo or decrescendo you might want. So you could have quite a few expressions. So if anyone is doing something like this is there a simple way to do this or organize it so it's not unwieldy?