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  • DP 8.02-Still disappointed in VE Pro Sync issue

    I would love to know where the issue lies with the vexing problem of syncing looped based plug ins in VE with VE buffers above "none"?

    Just updated to DP 8.02, I was soooo  hoping this issue would behandled finally!

    When running DP at 1024, 512, etc, if VE is NOT set to "none" using Stylus RMX, Superior Drummer, OR Native ins Studio drummer, ALL LOOPS PLAY BACK OUT OF SYNC.

    So if I am auditioning a drum fill in any of these programs, I have to put VE Pro to "none" or the fill or beat won;t be in sync. This defeats the processor savings of VEs higher buffer settings.

    I have brought this issue up 5 times at the forum and Vienna tech support has never acknowledged it IS a problem.

    Please respond. [:)]


  • Sorry to hijack your thread, but it's so weird to me that everyone complains about the sync problem. I've found that DP is the only DAW that works well with VE Pro (asside from Logic with is a cluster#%$ to me). I've tried Reaper, Cubase, etc. and they all seem to have the click, pop, out of sync issue, but DP is fairly solid. Although, perhaps this is because I'm not using Stylus or Superior.

  • You are not hijacking the thread bro!

    But we need to very CLEAR on what I mean by "sync".

    I do not mean that midi and audio PLAT-THROUGH at 4x buffers doesn;t work. It does!. That was fixed awhile back.

    For ex:

    If you have a midi drum beat programmed in DPs midi tracks, playing INTO VE Pro, and put VE Pro at 4x buffers, it WILL PLAY BACK IN SYNC.

    BUT.....and this is a BIG "but"..

    If you trigger a drum loop INSIDE ANY VI INSIDE OF VE PRo, that loop will be OUT of sync.

    So, let's take superior drums for an example:

    If you have VE Pro at 4x buffers and trigger a drum beat INSIDE of Superiors beat library to play along with DP, it will be OUT fo sync. If you trigger a loop INSIDE of Stylus RMX to play along with DP it will play OUT of sync.

    It is like the VI's are not seeing correct time compensation in their inner engines.

    Now. if you drag the drum beat OUT of superior INTO DPs midi tracks, it WILL play back in sync.

    If you put Stylus RX into slice-mode and drag that into DP, it will alos be in sync. But if you trigger te loop with midi start won;t be in sync.

    So the midi pla through SI working. But the inner looping of beats and loops inside VIs IN Ve Pro is NOT working.Does that make things clearer?

  • Does Kontakt have this problem?