Just curious if anyone else has this problem. I have been trying Reaper on the PC side (keep hearing better latency on PC), and I like Reaper. I'm typically a DP guy.
So, I created a template, started playing and using about 7 to 10 instruments on recording was causing crackling, popping, etc. So, I played with buffers, etc.
I didn't remember this being that much of an issue on Mac, so low and behold, I fited up DP and getting MUCH less cpu strain. Here's the weird thing. Less CPU strain on the slave, not the master.
Can a DAW actually affect how the VE Pro is running on the slave? Possibly not doing well on the LAN communication, etc.?
It's just weird that the same template on Reaper on PC with same instruments is hitting 90% and 100% but flip over to the Mac and it's hitting around 35% to 40%.