I tried all the week the appassionata strings included in Epic Orchestra (Bundled with VePro 5).
I am in trouble with the bow noise ! I find it really loud in the upper register of the violin !
To get rid of this noise (total), I tried an EQ at ~ 500hz, Q= 6 and gain = -24dB ;
The bow noise is gone, but as intended, the timbre of the violin is totally destroyed........
If I let this noise in and add a reverb, I've got the dry noise + the reverberated noise !!!!
I tried filtering the reverb too without success.
It's not easy because Epic Orchestra is mapped across the keyboard from bass to violin, and when I'm filtering something, every instruments are impacted.
1) The strings of Epic Orchestra are solo instruments, is it the reason of the excessive bow noise ?
2) Is it the same thing with Solo, Orch and App strings big collection ?
3) What can I do to reduce a bit this noise without killing the timbre ?