Hi all (mainly VSL, though)
This question has been asked before - I can't find the best keyword to come up with the particular post - but: are there any plans to make some kind of multi-patch-flexi-copy system for VI? The reason is that, particularly with the new Dimension Strings, I find it 1) really useful to make my own patches, but 2) an insane amount of work to make consistently useful ones. Imagine:
1) I make a nice 5 x 3 matrix for a violin. Violin 1. Bit of work, but good to be a bit into the data.
2) Now, given that I have 8 violins, I'll just copy the whole thing and then painstakingly turn every v1 into v2, v3, ... v8. Almost the same time amount of work as 1, but x 8. Parameters stay pretty much the same, so that's nice.
3) Oops, I figured I DO want to have all those espressivo notes for every one, after all! Go back to 2 and change for all.
4) Hmm, given that I play the violin (badly), I should like to say for myself what string to use and hey, there's the new force-g, etc, feature. So, now I want, like in one of the presets, have 4 matrices with keyswitch so I can get full control. But oh dear, that's 4 x 8 times as much work, for a single extra feature, as 1).
5. Now, I finally find out I want to be able to crossfade so and so patch - go through all the 4 x 8 matrices once again.
So, I realise the Preset is basically there, but I think like most people here, I prefer to make my own from the ground up. What I would really like is a feature that does "Copy matrix, to ... but change each occurrence of text X (say vi1) into Y (say vi2). This would save me an *immense* amount of clicking and dragging.
Any hopes? Well, if not, no matter, I'll continue supporting anyway :)