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  • Flute attack

    Hi Is it possible to time stretch the flute legato (or trill) attack? or the envelope time stretching is only por the transition time. I play with wind controller, and can't change cells in real time, and I find the attacks to slow for jazz styles. Any tips using wind controllers? Thanks

  • Have you thought of setting up a matrix where the cells are changed via speed control? That way you could put legato in the first cell, fast legato in the 2nd and legato trill in the 3rd, which should help.


  • Thanks DG, I tryed and it helps, but I still find the attacks to slow. Is it possible to time stretching only the attack in these patches?

  • Hi lafauna, 

    The performance trills are as fast a legato as it gets.... of course you can still stretch the already fast not transitions.... Another option could be to stack the pperformance trills with staccatos, so that you layer a quick attack on top of the legato....



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Maybe you could post an audio example of what problems you're getting. I can play pretty fast using only the normal legato patch, so there must be something going on. It could even be something as simple as the legato threshold not being set to the optimal value.


  • Thanls Paul. This conbination sounds fine to me, but the staccatos are sounding during the legato playing. It would be perfect if the staccatos only sounded when tongue notes, or at least at the first note of the legato playing. It works like this in the Passion Flute Kontakt library, but I prefer the Vienna flute I managed this with the velocity curve of staccatos, but this way only sound in high velocity notes. Sorry for my english, I don't know if is very understanable.

  • I can play fast without problems, the legatos are ok, and sounds very good, but only wanted to know if I can use time stretching for make the attacks faster, just for my personal taste.

  • Solved! I love VIP! I put one instance of VIP with a legato patch, and another instance with a staccato patch. In the second instance I use the APP sequencer, put a staccato note at the beginning and another note long time after, and click on the polyphonic synchronitation buton. In this way, the staccato only sounds when tongue a note, not on the legato playing. I think this trick can be very useful for wind controller user playing wind intruments. Thanks again for your answers.

  • Finally I find a more elegant solution, using interval maps. I'll explain if someone interested. Now the flute is acting the way I like. Enjoying alot with my Windcontroller. Thanks VSL, your software is the very best!

  • Can you post more detail on your two solutions?  Thanks.

  • I'm glad you found a solution to your problem Lafauna but I was wondering what if you were to time stretch the staccatos out longer or even the portatos? Would that achieve what you're trying to do?

    Aslo, have you experimented with the time offset?

    Just curious.