col, detL, detS, dyM2, dyM4, fp, hAst, hAsu, hAtr, hAts, pfp2, pfp4, piz, pLeE, pLeN, pLeV, pLeX, pPoE, pPoN, pPoV, pPoX, pTrL, pTrM, pzSn, r150, r160, r180, r200, rLe, rPo, rSpi, rSta, sffz, sfz, sNv, sta, susX, sVI, sVpr, trm, trmF, trmS
While it is obvious what some of these are, it is not obvious what others are. The manual lists full articulation names but not these abbreviations (so far as I know).
I can watch the video and take notes, but it would be nice if these were defined somewhere.
Is there not a list of these abbreviations and their meanings?