Hi. I have been all over the User Area while logged in and could not find any manuals, although there are some videos. i need manuals for the pro player (Vienna Instruments Pro) and Dimension strings.
Can you help?
Hi bhartman,
You will find all Software related ressources under USER AREA => SOFTWARE, then click on the icon of the software you´d like to check out.
Our FAQ´s also show how the site is organized, with the 3rd navigation level to the left side.
Paul Kopf Head of Product Marketing, Social Media and Support -
Thank you, Paul. I have been working with the pro Player and Dimension String violins this week-end and am quite excoted about both. I also find that even the free player has greatly enhanced my experience with the VSL instruments I already had and expect even more benefits form the Pro Playeer. Your vidoes are excellent, by the way.