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  • MIDI Data not being sent on Playback - Logic 9 & VEP5

    I've recently been experimenting with a 2 computer setup - my 2010 Mac Pro as the master computer with Logic Pro 9, and a slave PC running Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 with a bunch of Hollywood Strings and Brass patches. 

    I have everything setup correctly as far as I can tell. When playing notes on my MIDI controller, the data is sent from Logic to VEP and audio is returning to Logic as expected. Also, when I highlight notes in a MIDI region, they are sent to VEP and audio returns as expected.

    However, once I try to actually playback, almost no MIDI data is being sent from Logic to VEP. An occasional note blips through here and there randomly. Tried a few different things, including starting a new session from scratch. I encounter the same problem consistently. Solo mode is off. No luck closing and reopening the test sessions either.

    Any ideas why I can play MIDI data in record mode and trigger notes by highlighting and it works, but once the cursor starts moving, it doesn't? 

    Another interesting note - if playing back, and trying to record MIDI data, no MIDI data is sent. Once I stop the cursor, MIDI data is being sent again. 

    I'm leaning towards the conclusion that this is a very serious bug in Logic 9, but I wanted to post here to see if there are any ideas on solving the riddle.  


    If I can't solve this soon, I'm afraid I'll unfortunately be moving to Pro Tools for my MIDI work - something I was hoping I wouldn't have to do!

  • Are you using the VE Pro Event Input plugin in Logic? It needs some special care to ensure proper functionality.

  • Yes, I am using the Event Input plugin. Would this be the recommended way of setting things up? I avoided multiport environment because of the warning of dropped notes in Logic. 

    Re-reading the manual - I think I may have forgotten to the server channel and audio event input plug-in channel in "Live" mode. I'll give it a try later today and report back. 

  • Alright, figured it out ( least partially)!

    For any who might run across this, here's what my problem was:

    First, I wasn't forcing the Server Interface plug-in channels and Audio/Event Input plug-in channels into "Live" mode, as mentioned in the manual. When going through the manual the first time, I thought this was only necessary if I was using automation on the MIDI tracks, but it is necessary all the time. 

    Second, and perhaps less obvious (might be hidden away in the manual somewhere), you must use only one instance of the Audio/Event Input plug-in per VEP port as a multi-timbral instrument track. I was inserting this on a normal instrument track, then duplicating the track and editing the MIDI channel data to try to get it to work, but apparently, it jumbles up the MIDI data for all the Audio/Event Input plug-in channels if there is more than one Audio/Event Input plug-track per VEP port.

    One remaining question - the manual says an Event Input plug-in is necessary in order to use parameter automation in Logic. In this instance is "parameter automation" referring to the volume, pan, send data on the actual Logic track, not the MIDI automation done within the region?