When playing a phrase using a performance legato patch, does the first note use a different sample then the notes that come after it? For example if I play legato C, D, C, E, C, does the first C play a different sample with a different attack then the C’s that come after it? (I think this is how it works but I wanted to make sure)
Also, I know that you can “restart” a legato patch by having a small gap in time between notes being played. I wanted to know if there is any other way to “restart” a legato patch so it plays the first note of the patch without having a gap in time before the initial note.
The reason I ask is because I’m using the SE with a very complex program I’ve written in Max that is playing notes in real time from user input via midi guitar and I can’t have a delay between notes (no matter how small)
Thanks for any advice or tips!