Does anyone have recommendations for synth action keyboards that they've configured well for VSL? I'm a piano player and I have an 88-key hammer action but I just can't play delicate orchestral lines on it so I want something lighter for VSL. I know the action itself is a personal choice I'll have to make, but I'd like to narrow the field slightly first. There are way too many choices!
I think 61 key is enough since I have the 88 for piano stuff. I've just gotten back into sequencing and recording and stuff from a long break. I think I'm going to choose Cubase 7 (I wanted to wait for the Windows Digital Performer but my Cubase demo is running out). My last method of choice was in 1997 using the built-in sequencer on my Kurzweil K2000 LCD screen and a 4-track cassette with MIDI time-code on track 1. I tried playing with Cakewalk like 8 years ago and I just couldn't move my creative process into that paradigm. I'd been using hardware sequencers with tiny 24-character screens since 1987 - I was a master at it. I got frustrated and walked away and joined a community chorus for a few years. Singing didn't require any frustration.