I'm right on the verge of purchasing my first VSL product. I have a general technique question. Is it possible to effectively play a legato line that has repeated notes? For example,
If I wanted to play the opening to the second movement of Tchaikovsky's 1st String Quartet I would play a legato line like:
Bb3 > D4 > D4 > Bb3 >Eb4 > D4
Would you start with the performance legato patch and keyswitch to the performance repetition patch between the repeated D4 notes?
Would the algorithm treat the second D4 note as the FIRST of the legato repetitions (with a strong attack and no transition)? Or would it correctly identify the second D4 as a repetition and trigger the transition and softer attack?
In a few of the Universal mode videos it seems like it was handling this automatically. Am I correct in thinking so? Are there other matrices that would allow you to play this?
Thanks for any info. Can't wait to join the VSL family.