I already worked and rendered successfully with MIR in the last weeks. Suddenly MIR pretends that there would be no Roompack available:
In the Preferences I find the following Path to the Roompack-Datafolder:
Inside the Folder I find the following Files:
I thought, that at least the first Roompack would be included in the MIR License.
I completely uninstalled MIR, downloaded the current version from the VSL User area without any consequence. MIR Still pretends to have no roompack installed.
I have no Idea, why suddenly MIR dont load the Roompacks any more.
Please let me know, how I can make MIR working again.
I reinstalled the Roompack 1 from the VSL Software-Stick now they are found again in the right folder meanwhile I have no Idea, what might have deleted the .vmi-Files