Are there any specific instructions anywhere that explain how to lengthen legato transitions using Time Stretching? Marnix had told me that the some VI Pro 2 Matrices were programmed (called leg-speed) to provide a selection of three different transition speeds for the legato and portamento patches (by stretching the patches). I'd like to be able to do this myself on other instruments. Thanks.
Instructions to lengthen legato transitions using Time Stretching
Well, figured it out. Works really well, gotta say. Using to be my biggest issue with VSL, only having 2 legato speeds, but no more -- this is great. Still would like to read more about it, see what I may be missing. The manual doesn't say anything about how to draw curves. Looks like drawing on the negative side speeds transitions, and drawing on the positive side slows them. Manual also says you can use time stretching to modify attacks, but doesn't describe how. Could use more info, thx.