Hello everyone,
OSX 10.7.5, Cubase 6.5, VSL software up to date. Here goes, do correct me if/when I'm missing something:
- When I place the cursor at the beginning of a MIDI region, I can see VIP focuses on the "sVi" articulation first, and usually leaves it for the desired one as soon as I press play. But sometimes it doesn't, and obviously creates a mess with the part.
- When I place a "sul" indication before the desired articulation, VIP starts playing the "trmS" articulation for the first note.
- The "trm" articulation behaves like an attribute, whereas "trmF" works as a (more logical) direction.
On a side note: shouldn't the "sul" indications belong to their own distinct lane, like "harmonic", "rep", "con vibrato", etc? I personally find it awkward when they take precedence over another articulation, or are replaced/cut by it.