Hi VSL Team,
I am currently redesigning my core template and trying to make sure that I leave room in my template for the other dimension strings. Hopefully if it's not to much to ask, can I get a "chair" count of the other sections or is this not even determined yet? In Violins we have 8 from solo's, 4 from 2 chair combos, 2 from 4 chair combos and then all 8 combined. I have a total of 15 tracks for my violins in VE PRO (basically its own midi input). i want to be sure I leave enough "logical" numbers open so my VE PRO setup is in chronological midi input and channel. It's so annoying for me to see midi 8 - 1, midi 8 - 2, then suddenly midi 29 - 4 because I didn't plan to insert an instrument there haha :). Only to return to midi 9-1 after that.. :) is maybe a stupid request but a good one for my mental obsession haha :).
Just a total track or chair count would be awesome if possible! Thanks!