Hey guys, I've abandoned all of my non-VSL samples because they are getting in the way, causing me to make fruity-goofy music that no-one can relate to (think techno-metal-classical lol). So for the next year or two I've decided to concentrate on my VSL library alone, with the exception of EWQL Symphonic Choirs.
Given that, I'd like to be able to load as much as I can over my 2 computers, and I'd like to ask those of you who load 'big' VSL templates, what might work best.
My library is listed in my signature.
All strings on one box, all winds on another? All highs and mids on one, all lows and perc on another? What to do with Imperial and keyboards? I tend to think putting samples I might use at the same time on separate boxes, but sometimes that's not possible. So, in the real world, what would you do?
Both computers are 24GB ram, I7 960 processors with lots of drives (no SSDs but lots of raptors).
Is this one of those "how many ways to skin a cat" posts?