Some of this discussion leaves me slightly confused re the possibilities / consequences of combining the different string librariies especially re the quote below from Herb's interview discussing the new Dimension Strings:
"......On the other hand, adding some or all of the new Vienna Dimension Strings violins to the Chamber Strings, Orchestral Strings or Appassionata Strings expands their spectrum, and their possibilities, in a tremendous way. If you look at it that way, Vienna Dimension Strings will provide a huge increase in value for the existing string ensembles."
I have combined Orchestral and Chamber strings in a large Tchaikovsky string piece - it didn't make the sound smaller but it didn't seem to make it bigger or more lush as I had hoped.
I appreciate that experimentation and the use of space - especially in MIR - are esential but more clarity in the way libraries can be combined would be really welcome.