I realize this may be hard to explain without an in-person session, but I will try.
I am trying to simulate the slide up the neck for a cello note (both in solo cello and chamber cellos). The portamento up is OK, but coming back down to the following note is not OK. For example, in D to A and back down to D, D to A sounds good, but A back down to D does not sound good. If I use portamento on the drop back down it sounds comical. If I use legato on the drop back down, it doesn't sound smooth and the tones don't match. It is also hard to get the volume to match.
Does anyone have any thoughts on this? This is a pretty common string articulation. (By the way, I tried no portamento at all, but the figure sounded a bit mechanical.)
PS I wish I could control the portamento speed/amount. Sometimes I just need a light slur.
Portamento in a Phrase
If you have VI Pro 2, you can vary the portamento speed by creating alternate portamento patches. This is done by creating nodes and adjusting the start time of the slide. One option is to create three different patches: the standard one, as is; a fast one, setting the start at maximum speed, and then decreasing to end at normal; and a slow one, setting the start at minimum speed, and then gradually increasing to end at normal.
THanks for the good suggestions. I am going to get the Pro player and give this is a try. In the meantime, I lessened the problem somewhat by making the phrase a bit rubato and tweaking the velocities to make it play smoother. That is not the ultimate solution, but in a chmber group with other instruments playing, it is OK until I upgrade this week. (My songs use string sections and other orchestral instrumentation pretty frequently.)