I am trying to get confirmation that VIPro2 does translate tuning parameters from Logics settings>tuning.
I've seen posts that discuss the Hermode feature specifically but how about the assortment of fixed tunings and also user created tunings?
I have been running some tests and it seems like Vienna will follow the tunings I select in Logic until I hit record then it defaults back to ET.
Also as I understand it even if you get the Hermode feature to cooperate with Vienna you have to use third party software to capture the audio?
Logic's Tuning Settings and VI Pro 2
The Logic tunings are scala format. Copy them and paste them in Application Support>Vienna Instruments Pro>Scales and they will show up at Matrix>Matrix Scales in VI Pro and you can work with them from the instrument.
edit: I have not looked at all of these but I'm assuming they are 12 note scales, which VI Pro has to have to see them. You can roll your own, even in a text editor; if the format is right (it's quite simple) and save as .scl. I don't know what 'Hermode feature' is... but it is relatively simple to get scala tunings going.