I am writing a score in Sibelius 7 containing three clarinets and three trumpets, written on individual staves. I am using different articulations on every part, therefore I have loaded three clarinets and three trumpets in Vienna Ensemble. However, when playing back the score, clarinet 1 and 2 plays on the same instance in VE. The same with the trumpets. I have heard rumours about some kind of "trick" to fix this. Anyone had the same problem? Any suggestions?
Writing for THREE+ clarinets/trumpets in Sibelius 7 (Vienna SE plus)
Hello stiankl!
Please check the following settings:
- Did you make settings for all instruments on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page? For your score you will need three programs/channels reserved for Clarinets and three programs/channels for Trumpets.
- If you have fiddled about with the output, channel number or Sound ID in the Sibelius mixer, please reset all outputs to (Auto).I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Vienna Symphonic Library -