I just installed Vienna Dimension Brass which after a couple of hours is already very exciting. There's something I don't understand, though, concerning the best use of polyphony.
I am using the "compact" VI Pro matrices, switching articulations horizontally and selecting the player configuration vertically (4, 3, 2a, 2b or 1). Now, the manual says this:
Due to their nature, all interval performances are monophonic; otherwise, the software would have to be able to decide which source note belongs to which target note. To circumvent this, you can open two VI instances of the same instrument on separate MIDI tracks without any additional strain on your RAM. Note: the Vienna Instruments PRO player software also allows you to play polyphonic Interval performances.
Which a little mystifying. How can you "open two instances of the same instrument on separate MIDI tracks"? You either send several MIDI tracks to the *same* instrument, or add a second instrument instance which eats up RAM. I don't understand what the manual is trying to tell me...
What is the best way to have "proper" monophonic legato transitions *and* still be able to play polyphonic lines using different players?