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  • Vienna Instruments Pro latest build (Oct 4) is jumping in CPU with artifacts....

    i've got dimension strings loaded and even in standalone mode i can press and hold 1 note and the CPU will sit at 1%-2% then randomly hit 89% and makes a glitchy sound when it does.  this is an i7 rain computer livebook (for audio) with 8 gigs of Ram, seperate sys, audio, samples drives.  Never noticed this before the latest build.  Any ideas?  Not usable like this.   Is the previous build compatible with Dimension Strings?  Btw, the strings sound amazing!!! Been bragging on you guys! :) thanks again for all of your support!

  • Hi,

    Glad you like Dimension Strings!

    A few questions for you:

    Did you try with a higher latency already? Does that help? Which soundcard are you using? => Latest driver?

    I assume you are using SSD drives, right? Which host? Which version of software for the host? SP1 Win7?



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • Higher latency doesn't help.. m-audio 1814 firewire (latest driver)..   I'm not using SSD drives, I'm using a 7200 rpm eSATA regular hard drive.  Sonar X1 host, SP1 WIN 7, Although it runs into problems in stand alone mode as well.  It's crashed and sent in dumps a couple of times now.  Quick side question: in looking at SSD drives and alternatives, I noticed some large capacity SSHD hybrid drives that were reasonable cost.  Are the hybrids any good?  Could you recommend an eSATA SSD drive?  Thanks!

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    Did you check out Angelwings already? They have added some very nice Crest Drives to their selection!



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
  • For what it's worth, I've found this version of VIPro a bit wonky too in terms of CPU — I'm on a Mac Pro 8-core, running DS off of disk drives, but this build of VIPro is suddenly introducing weird CPU fuzz that wasn't present before...not entirely certain why since it doesn't always correspond with me doing something challenging with the strings.

    I've also experienced a couple of crashes during loading, which I haven't seen before (loading the articulations matrix for the full group crashed within Logic, for instance).

  • i'm glad it's not just me then. :) Before, I could load my entire string section going through MIR without any trouble like this before.... even using Velocity crossfading.  Now even just sustaining a single note can produce the CPU fuzz described.  I am looking at SSD options. Angel crest rep emailed me about some new external SSD drives that will use eSATA/USB3, however I DO have the required AND recommended setup for DS and wish it worked so.

  • I've also had VI Pro crash on me while loading DS a couple of times. Loading from an SSD-drive, 24 GB RAM. i7 960.

  • Just updated to the Oct 4 build and I'm still getting the same weird noises/artifacts/cpu jumps even when doing things NOT complicated.  Thanks for your help!

  • The new build (11630) should fix a crash issue. Could you tell me more about your cpu load irregularities. What kind of system do you have, and what is your voice count? Running Dimension Strings on spinning junk drives is not a very good idea, since the voice count can be considerable.

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm experiencing the same issues loading VDStrings, except for the CPU problems. With the previous VIPro version I've never had clicks or pops at all...Besides that, whatever I load in VIPro (VDBrass or any single instruments) everything works perfectly.

    I've also tried to raise the latency, up to 1024, with no result.

    I thought 24 GB of ram would have prevented such pop and clicks (and sudden stuttering) issues. In addition to this, my computer is "empty", in the sense that does not contain any Windows programs or else. It has been optimized for music production and audio.

    Please, give us a hand.

    Thanks for your support.

    CPU model:

    i7 950

    CPU speed: 3.05 GHz x 8 core


    Soundcard: RME HDSPe RayDAT
    Operating system: Windows 7PRO

  • Miki,
    • Are you using SSD drives?
    • What is your voice count when clicks and pops occur?

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    @MS said:

    • Are you using SSD drives?
    • What is your voice count when clicks and pops occur?

    Hi Martin.

    no, I own SATA drives and I can't tell you about voice count because clicks and pops seem not to occur anymore. It is a bit weird, but now it works. The "strange" thing to me is that I have to load each single preset manually, double-clicking on every single cell...

    Before last updating, I could just load everything just clicking on (down right hand side) "load". Now, it does not work that way anymore...


  • If you want to always load all cells of a matrix/preset, without having cells enabled on midi activity or by doubleclicking cells, you can activate "Force Enable Cells" in the VI Pro Settings. RAM usage is pretty high with DS however, especially if you run spinning-junk drives. Since DS requires a high voice burst performance, instantly activating up to 32 voices with every pressed key, SSD is definitely recommended.

  • No not SSD, 7200 RPM eSATA, it's occuring with higher voices (256-512) and  even with very low voice counts just switching cells.  Even holding 1 note. Or the 1st note make a 'AAANNNK'.   I am about to purchase a brand new line (not yet out) from called the SSD2Go (portable 480G SSD eSATA/USB3 keep a look out). YAAY!!  But, again I have the required and recommended setup.  It's never performed this way before.  I know you'll figure it out. :) Much faith in your team.

  • You are using the latest version of VIPro, v2.3.11630?

    Please be aware that burst performance with regular 7200rpm drives is not very good, they can only handle some 30 voices of simultaneously triggered samples at 16384 samples buffer. Running the DS 8-violin patches with Vel-XF enabled can trigger 32 voices on each keypress.

  • Perhaps the Requirements/Recommendations on the Dimension Strings Area should be changed to Requiring SSD drives.  Still seems weird for it occur at low voice counts or starting note. Not to mention I usually have the ENTIRE string section running at once ALL  using Velocity crossfading/cell crossfading, So it's seems weird to not be able to play even JUST the Violins of Dimension.   I am ordering an SSD drive from Angelbird.  (SSD2GO)  Maybe you should sell the stings bundled on one of their NEW portabe SSD drives.  :)