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  • Having a problem connecting Vienna Ensemble Pro5 in cubase 6

    Hello VE Pro community I am having a problem that I hope someone can help. I am trying to set up VE-pro 5 in cubase 6 using one computer a mac OX 10.6.8 I would like to run in 64bit using VE-pro (64bit) I am guessing the VE-pro sever (64bit) is for running more than one computer though I am not sure. I have relatively little to no experience using Ve pro. Though I purchased VEPRO a while back the project is now at the stage were I need to start adding instruments from all types of libraries from PLAY and Kontact and so fourth. Though I seem to be experiencing a problem in Cubase. I can add a VST Instrument when I try to open VE Pro5 the small box interface appears but in available instances everything is blank.In slave address that is blank, in server architecture section switching between 32bit and 64bit does not change anything and the preserved name is blank. Can anyone tell me what has gone wrong or is there something I should be doing before hand? As I said I have very little experience. how can I fix this problem please can someone help me I would be very grateful for any help. Kind regards

  • You simply need to start the VE Pro Server on your computer and it will appear in the VE Pro Server Interface plugin as expected.

  • Hi Karel thank you very much, excellent that worked I started up the server first. Then cubase and then in cubase loaded the instrument VE pro 5. I am sorry that I had to ask such a basic question. I do feel intimidated by the vastness of VE-pro. In cubase 6 it shows a few versions of Ve pro, Vienna ensemble pro with 3 little side marks, a Vienna ensemble pro with out the marks 2xVEpro event input and again 2x VEpro surround I guess for now the event and the surround Ve pros are beyond what I need to do right now. I wonder do the the 3 marks mean it is a VST 3 plugin? Also I am not sure if this is the correct place to ask and by all means let me know and I will ask these questions in the correct area but could I ask you and if others want to as well. Before I start to add instruments and realize I have done this wrong. how do you manage the spread of instruments in the instances of VE pro5. I think in one instance of VE Pro 5 I can have up to 8 Virtual instruments with their own midi so for example 4 Vienna instrument channels, 2 play channels and 2 Kontact channels in one instance of VE Pro. Or would it be better to spread the load and use one VEpro instance for Vienna instruments. One for Play instruments and One for Kontact? Does distribution matter? is their a common rule people follow when wanting to use many instruments from different libraries? If you could help that would be great and thanks Karel for helping me. Kind regards

  • For some reason I cannot create paragraphs I am sorry for the wall of text

  • The /// mark next to the plugin name means it's the VST3 version, which you should definitely use. The VE Pro Event Input plugin is useless in that case, as VST3 already offers multiple MIDI ports per instance. Since VE Pro supports multiple MIDI ports you can in fact make the instance contain a whole template, though a lot of users prefer their templates more modular (having different sections of the orchestra in different instances for example). The VE Pro Surround plugin is only required in Cubase/Nuendo if you want to work in surround.

  • Thank you again Karel excellent, I will then use the VST3 /// I think I will go with the modular approach and add Ve pro instances as needed when distributing instruments. I might be able to be more organized this way. :) I have one more question for maximum performance from the cpu's and cores is it better to have one instance of VE pro with many instruments or many instances of Ve pros with less instruments. Or do these kind of things matter with VE pro. Thanks again Karel you have been excellent Kind regards

  • Rgmburia,

    To write in paragraphs go to: Profile / Community / Content Editor / ENHANCED