I'm getting sluggish Gui redraw's during playback (while playing pretty busy parts).
I'm using 3 pc's with on all pc's approx. 24 instances of play (+- 16 GB samples loaded ppc). All loaded in standalone vepro metaframe (also on main DAW).My template has about 250 midi channels (or something like that.).
Vepro has 24 outputs enabled and 32 midi ins n outs enabled.
When I dissable outputs, I get better performance. Seems logical, but to me it doesn't explaine the sluggish gui performance in cubase (vepro doesn't have the sluggish gui performance).
I've also tried Nic-teaming, but this doesn't seem to have a positive effect.
Contacted Steinberg, they tried to find the problem but said that's it's problaby a vepro thing..
So anyone here has an idea?