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    @Paul said:

    A new video that gives you an overview of all available patches is now online on the Vienna Dimension Strings video page

    More videos to come!

    Thanks Paul!

    Is the first video fixed ? (It was faulty....)

  • Hi musos, 

    Yes, the first video was fixed right away. Of course [:)]



    Paul Kopf Product Manager VSL
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    @Paul said:

    Hi everybody, 

    A new video that gives you an overview of all available patches is now online on the Vienna Dimension Strings video page

    More videos to come!



    This is brilliant! With this second video the value of DS is much more obvious, then with the first. You convinced me almost completely. If there could be one brilliant Ligeti demo now, I will buy ASAP! I only hope the early bird price will last long enough, until I can afford it ...

  • I am completely blown over by this library after the 2nd video. It really is worth the introductory price - but it still has to wait for me - as it also incorporates the rest of the strings, which I'm sure they will be more useful to me. As incredible as these violins and those articulations are, they still sound very much chamber to me. I just have to see how someone like Jay Bacal tackles this, and still I'm certain I couldn't replicate it. Perhaps a convincing demo next on how these 8 violins can be made to sound like 16? Doubling maybe?

    Anyway, my congratulations again on a truly amazing job, and a thank you for the actually musical examples on the new video, instead of the token and crass "film-trailer" ones other companies use to tout their products.

  • I thought Dimension Strings was just a more comprehensive version of orchestral strings with more samples and more articulations, but the last post sounds like there are only 8 players. So I guess I am back to wondering exactly what Dimension Strings is.

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    @bhartmann said:

    I thought Dimension Strings was just a more comprehensive version of orchestral strings with more samples and more articulations, but the last post sounds like there are only 8 players. So I guess I am back to wondering exactly what Dimension Strings is.

    Read the blurb on the product page, watch the videos and then ask questions. [;)]


  • I very simply and modestly think, but I might be wrong, that DStrings is a "due" reply to the many strings libraries out there, especially those which are concentrated on specific targets like: intonations and attacks slightly different and delayed, "cinematic" intimate atmospheres and so on and on...

    Competition and Market. As sad as it is.

    Now we might argue about why, for example, samples are "marked" by a special "resonant environment" such as a cathedral or else...

    The answer is perhaps (I'm stupid and I'm only trying to guess) that the Majestic and Global Agreement is, obviously, that you sound this way I sound another way so libraries (sounds) cannot ever blend. So you need to buy me...

    But, in this case, I must admit that DStrings is different in just one way: you have 8 different players, each one "under control".

    This is the only feature I love. But, again, talking about old (very old) synths bought, how many single sounds did you use? For this reason, only for this reason I purchased it. I hope not to be ostracized for what I'm saying.

    Last, I'm sorry for the only and unique audio demo, which is just a replica of what anybody knows.

    Nevertheless, Christian, it is not at all my intention to offend you, in any way. On the contrary...

    As we say: "A buon intenditor, poche parole".

  • Is it possible to play double stops with 1 Violin? in example playing the g4 on the D-String and the B4 on the A-String simultaneously?

    Or can DS only play one time on the D-String and after that on the A-String?

    If that´s not possible, i have to put 2 violins on the same place on the stage to simulate one Violin with Double stops.

  • Dear Paul,

    Please please please please please please pleeeeeease consider going past October 15th. I get paid on the 18th. IS THAT NOT GOOD ENOUGH REASON!?!?!?!?!? lol

    In my mind, there are times that one user is important enough... this is one of those times! :)

    Please please please please please...... please...


    P.S. ...........please... I love you VSL... just please love me back and give us poor people a little more time! lol

  • After using Dimension Violins on a serious orchestral violin piece,  I have to say this is the most awesome string library I've ever encountered.  You have first of all a full ensemble of violins, but then, you have each and every individual musician!  You are a conductor.  And they are your slaves 24/7.   Mahler would love it!   This is not just another library, it is a revolutionary idea that VSL created of recording "Solo" and "Ensemble" simultaneously.  I am so enthusiastic about this!  With the controls of VI Pro it adds a HUGE amount of complexity and beauty to the previous VSL string libraries.  You can use it alone, or with the Appassionata, Solo, all the other libraries, and it creates the level of complexity and individuality that real string sections have. 

    I was auditioning the individual players on this particular piece, which I programed for the separate 8 players.  Each one is totally different sounding.  Yet all blend together perfectly.  Amazing!    I am so excited by this because it's what I wanted for years.  And it is used exactly the same way as all previous VSL instruments, so there is zero learning curve.  Except - deliciously - for investigating the wonderful new sounds!   But also - the methodical approach VSL has adopted is paying off immensely, because all the previous libraries blend beautifully with this new, different library.  

    This is what needed to be done with sampled strings, but had never been done until now. 

  • HI,

    Say I buy DS now , will I be able to get get the boxed version when available ?

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    @William said:

    the methodical approach VSL has adopted is paying off immensely, because all the previous libraries blend beautifully with this new, different library.  

    Anyone willing to post a demo of the DS Violins blended with Chamber, or the DS Violins as Violin I and Chamber as Violin II... or Orchestral or Appassionata...? I'm not that concerned about it as I'm getting DS anyway (hopefully depending on VSL's willingness to hear my plea's for mercy, lol). But I'd still like to hear even a simple phrase done a few ways for comparison (if it's not too much trouble to ask of anyone).

    -Sean [:)]

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    Hi iscorefilm (and possibly many others),

    At your service.....please visit this blog dedicated to DS. See under: South by South-West.

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    @William said:

    the methodical approach VSL has adopted is paying off immensely, because all the previous libraries blend beautifully with this new, different library.  

    Anyone willing to post a demo of the DS Violins blended with Chamber, or the DS Violins as Violin I and Chamber as Violin II... or Orchestral or Appassionata...? I'm not that concerned about it as I'm getting DS anyway (hopefully depending on VSL's willingness to hear my plea's for mercy, lol). But I'd still like to hear even a simple phrase done a few ways for comparison (if it's not too much trouble to ask of anyone).


    iscorefilm (and all others), you can have a look at

    I´m working at this piece till yesterday September 29 after 6 hours and a half of downloading the 33 Giga and 1 hour of installing, registering etc 😉

  • Erik & Mbrylka,

    Thanks! Mbrylka, your video certainly showed that the solo violin sounds great with DS for sure. The South by South-West demos 1-7 answered my biggest concern. VSL has delivered again! lol The VSL Orch and DS together blend beautifully. While Chamber works I thought that DS really gave dimension (no pun intended) to the VSL Orch samples. The depth of a larger group and the individual instrument qualities you hear in a good recording were both present in that demo. That's the ideal sound I'd hope for in a string library. Superb!


  • I just tried my dimension strings. The portamento is very slow and sounds fake because I can hear the scale-like sounds during the portamento. It definitely cannot be used as a solo violin.

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    @ondine said:

    I just tried my dimension strings. The portamento is very slow and sounds fake because I can hear the scale-like sounds during the portamento. It definitely cannot be used as a solo violin.

    Example or I call fake! lol j/k...kind of... [;)]


  • +1

  • The thread seemed mainly preoccupied with download speeds after this, but has this been answered? We can indeed deduce that after they are all available "somewhere in 2013", they will not be sold for the early bird offer. Yet, it does not follow that the offer will extend until somewhere in 2013.

    Anyway, elsewhere I read it's unknown yet, but guesses were ranging between mid and end of October. Sorry if this has been answered by now, but I'd much appreciate it if it could be answered - I'll suffer looking dumb over needlessly* spending 600 any day of the week!

    Exciting stuff!

    * Not to say it isn't worth that price tag!

  • Good question! One thing nobody asked at this point: Is the sample content going to be the same for every other string family? It would be rather sad to see some articulations missing in e.g. violas ...

    Also a question, that maybe current owners could answere: Does col legno have round robbins? How many?

    I am close to buying DS, however, I can only afford it for the early bird price. Since I am in the middle of renovating my studio (which is way more expensive!), I am afraid I will only be able to pull the trigger in January 2013. I sincerely hope the early bird will still be availabe then ...