I have a new slave with 16Gb RAM for the strings (LASS).
I am setting a template with 5 instances of VEP5. Each one with just one Kontakt instance (for LASS vln, vln 2, vla, vlc and cbs) but I get a message of out of memory when I try to save the logic template. I would appreciate your comments and help. Many thanks.
Out of Memory!
I did some extra tests with Activity monitor. First pic is the same loaded instruments in Logic. Pic 2 is a VEP5 metaframe with the same loaded instruments. Somehow, although memory is not really affected by Vienna Ensemble Pro, VEP produces the memory error!!! Any advice to solve it?? Thanks in advance. [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/528/5kontaktlass.jpg/][IMG]http://img528.imageshack.us/img528/4610/5kontaktlass.jpg[/IMG][/URL] ... [URL=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/5vepkontaktlassoutofmem.jpg/][IMG]http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6644/5vepkontaktlassoutofmem.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
Audiobro told me immediately the solution: "the solution is pretty simple... just make sure to decouple most of your VE plugins. When the VE plugins are 'coupled' they actually save all the Kontakt data inside your Logic file... which bloats the file (your Logic project file) to a size that makes Logic issue you that error message. When decoupled, the data is just stored in your VE Metaframe file and doesn't interfere with Logic.".