Hello, my name is Aleks von Korff, and I am currently employed as a composers' assistant by a prominent film composer in Malibu CA just outside Los Angeles. I am also functioning as de facto studio manager for said composer, who owns his own high end studio space (our work environment).
Since I have started here in July (I did not install this system, nor did I assemble this template/configure VE Pro the way it is currently set up) we have had persistent issues with VE Pro, varying pieces of hardware, and numerous software (non-VSL software that is) problems. I'm posting this in hopes that I might get some help and insight into our VE Pro specific issues, and perhaps some advice on how to tackle/eradicate these issues. All pertinent and obviously important system specifications can be found at the end of this post.
We have experienced countless VEPro 4 AND 5 crashes on our Slave Computer, which is surprising considering the slave seems to be the steadier of the two machines overall. I've also had bizzare issues with eLCC and VE Pro centered around a program called "Synsopos" which I know nothing about in the Mac environment, despite incessant googling and forum hunting.
With regards to the Synsopos centric errors, I have yet to encounter the issue since replacing the backplane on our Magma PE6R4 chassis and upgrading to a Magma PE6R4-I. I seriously doubt this has any connection, but nevertheless, though I should note it considering many of these errors that were cropping up relentlessly have dissipated since the chassis upgrade, but again, I don't see a correlation between the errors not being triggered within the software on the slave, and the installation of a new backplane in the Pro Tools chassis.
Typically, errors manifest themselves upon Saving, or Loading of Meta AND vFrames. For instance, one day I might hit "Save" on a vFrame spawning an instant crash, but be able to save the mFrame without issue. The next hour I might be crashing upon saving of the mFrame yet the vFrames can be saved. The next day I might experience neither of those issues, but then crash when I try to save a multi in Kontakt within Ve Pro. It is absolutely infuriating and I cannot explain why it is happening. In addition to Save related crashes (again, virtually any "save" functionality, whether it be mFrame vFrame or instrument/plugin, has caused crashes), I have experienced crashed on LOADING after a crash spawned by Saving.
At seemingly random intervals, after a crash I am presented with this Synsopos/eLCC error that prevents me from even opening VEPro without a complete restart of the slave machine (again, this has only occured on the slave). When these issues began, we were running VEPro4, and in the process of troubleshooting and exploring options for rectifying the solution, we upgraded to 5. At first everything appeared to be okay, but then the issues resurfaced. Once again, the issues SEEM to have subsided since we installed the new backplane into the Magma chassis, but I am not sure if that truly addressed the problem and fixed it.
In addition to the above issue, I am also having significant issues incorporating various EWQL Play instances. Load times are absolutely absurd given the raw power of both of our machines, and a handful of crippling errors/obstacles have presented themselves in the last week.
We have been operating with EWQL instances running off of the Host machine since I began working here in July. I have since been informed through my tech contacts and friends that this is a horrible idea, so I'm trying to transplant our EWQL libraries (Hollywood strings, Silk, Ra, Gypsy, and a handful of others), to run exclusively off of the slave machine. I successfully installed all of our EWQL instruments we want to use onto the slave computer, I can open them up in standalone mode and load/play samples provided I move the iLok over to the slave to test, and yet when I open a vFrame in VEPro5, I cannot see 'Celemony/EastWest/Play-Stereo' as a valid option for adding a plug-in. I have cross-checked every relevant directory on the slave machine with that of the host (where EWQL instruments are working just fine) and have found 0 discrepancies. What is causing this issue? I have contacted EWQL and they told me to contact you, since this is apparently a VE Pro issue...again, I have no issues with the instruments in standalone mode.
In your experience would it be better to run these memory-intensive instruments from our slave rather than the Pro Tools machine? Won't that put additional strain on the LAN connection between Host and Slave; potentially cause a bottleneck type issue?
VE Pro has been updated to its most recent version according to the updater and eLCC. Play has also been updated, it's permissions repaired, and works just fine on the Host (but not the Slave, where I'm trying to move it to).
I thank you for your time and help, and look forward to hearing from anyone soon. I am aware that I just wrote a wall of text, but I would prefer to be absolutely complete in my explanation of issues as to avoid wasting anyones time.
Best regards,
Aleks von Korff
Both 12-core CPUs @ 2.66 gHz per core
64 Gigs of Ram Each
Mac OS X 10.6.8
ProTools 9.03 HD; 192 IO x 2, 96 IO, Sync IO, Big Ben Clock, Magma PE6R4-i Chassis
VEPro5 - updated etc
LASS, VIPro, Reaktor, Gplayer, Kontakt Libraries - majority of active instruments on slave
EWQL instruments, Omnisphere, FM8, Massive, Absynth, Battery, Stylus RMX, Trilian, Kontakt Libraries - majority of active instruments on host