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  • Getting Slave Mac Mini to recognize midi channels 1-16 in Logic 9

    I've created a couple of instances for my project. I use local host for the connection and then create a name and save it. Then I decided to create another instance and connect it via my slave mac mini. That wasn't a problem. I was actually able to play the first instrument I loaded. However, when I created a second instrument for midi channel 2 it just kept playing the first instrument. This does not happen when I connect my other instances using local host. Everything cooperates with logic 9. When I click on a certain track it only plays that instrument. But when I'm connected via my slave computer the instance plays but only plays the first instrument I pick. It won't play any other instrument I've added in the instance unless I click Omni on all the channels. Then everything plays together when I play my keyboard. Why isn't each channel playing by itself when connected to the slave but everything plays just fine when I connect to local host? 

    Could use some expertise here. Once I figure this one last thing I'm up and running!


  • For Multi timbral instruments the Server interface track needs to be set on midi channel ALL

  • I don't understand the jargon term, "Server interface track". What is the Server interface? Do you mean my sequencer or something else? I know that it must have something to do with my slave mac mini, though. 

    On another note, no pun intended, when I try to use my slave as the main MIR VE Pro 5 station I get no sound coming from my main computer. Thoughts...?  I also don't really know how to utilize Logic 9 on my iMac while my mac mini slave is functioning as the MIR VE Pro 5 station. I'm must be missing a step or something. I've read the manual a couple of times and I just can't seem to locate anyone who can explain to me in a logical sequence what needs to happen in making my slave computer fully operational, both as a MIR station and also as an instrument station.

  • What he means by the Server Interface track is the track in Logic that has the main VE Pro plugin in it (which is the interface to the VE Pro Server, hence VE Pro Server Interface).

  • The name chosen by VSL are not obvious for a foreigner like me

    You have 3 AU :

    • one that sends midi to VE
    • one that sends audio to VE
    • one that receive the audio from VE into Logic

    If you connect a midi to the Au that receive audio from VE you are in trouble !

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    @Cyril said:

    If you connect a midi to the Au that receive audio from VE you are in trouble !

    Sorry, that makes no sense. Could you clarify what you mean by that exactly?

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    @Cyril said:

    If you connect a midi to the Au that receive audio from VE you are in trouble !

    Sorry, that makes no sense. Could you clarify what you mean by that exactly?

    in the Environment you can connect instruments to the instruments that has the Au that receive audio from VE

    I did this mistake when I started using VE Pro 5 !!!!!!!

    VSL should give song templates that will help a lot ! mine is not availlable at the moment because my server is down and I am still on holiday, but I am returning on Sunday, so it will be availlable next week

  • I contacted ILIO support and he walked me through my particular set up (27" iMac 3.4Ghz 16GB RAM with Mac Mini Slave 2.3 GHz 8GB RAM). I now know how to use more than 16 midi instruments per instance on one or both machines with audio working well. I was just missing one piece of the puzzle. He explained in a short amout of time and it was that easy. Now I'm going to see how much these machines can take without going into meltdown mode.

    If anyone is interested, I might be willing to make a video walking people through this procedure. However, if I'm the only "thick" one in the group I'll just do nothing. If you or someone you know has Logic 9 and has a set up similar to mine and wants a video tutorial then just let me know.