hi there ! after installing the very latest version of vienna instruments pro2 pro tools 10.2 crashes at startup just as it tries to load the RTAS version of vienna instruments pro.... going back to the previous version resolves the problem... please fix! best wishes from berlin :-) matt
mac os x 10.6.8 16gb ram macpro 8core 2,1 pro tools 10.2 hd with vepro5 vipro2 and ni-maschine and komplete8
vienna instruments pro2 2.2.11242 crashes pro tools hd 10.2
issue solved! with the latest install of vienna instruments and vienna ensemble it is essential to have the following plugins in the "plug-ins" folder ( library -> application support -> digidesign -> plug-ins ) : Surround Mixer.dpm and Vienna Ensemble Pro Surround.dpm Just make sure none of these plug-ins are in the "plug-ins (unused)" folder and everything will be fine. cheers -matt :-)