This sounds kind of ridiculous, but I cannot figure out how to properly quit VE 4 (64-bit -- not PRO) when it is running as a plugin in Logic. I have checked the manual but cannot find any information on this. Basically, I'm on a single computer with VE running as a Logic plugin on a multi-timbral software instrument channel strip ("Multi Output (16xStereo)"). Besides the mixing environment, I have a window that lists the active instances, and another window ("Service Interface") window that lists the status ("Connected 64-bit") and latency. The only other buttons are "Raise" and "Reconnect." Why is there no disconnect button? If I close my project in Logic and exit, VE is still open and the active instance is still listed. Quitting from the VE instance that appears to be open doesn't remove it from the list of active instances. If I click "Exit" from that list, I receive a message that says "One or more active connections are present. Do you want to forcibly close these connections and terminate Vienna Ensemble Service?" Well, after trying everything else I can think of, this always ends up being my only way to actually quite the application! Am I supposed to be forcibly closing these connections each time? What am I missing here? Is it really so difficult just to QUIT the damn program?
[SOLVED] How to quit Vienna Ensemble...?
Nevermind, figured it out. I usually hit Cmd+Q to quit Logic quickly, but that leaves the VE instance hanging, requiring a forced disconnect. I discovered that if I close my project FIRST without actually quitting Logic--well, it doesn't appear to make any difference at first, until I actually QUIT logic after that, at which point the VE instance disappears from the active instances list. Strange. Btw, this is for Logic 8 on Snow Leopard, 10.6.8.