Hi to the forum,
I'm getting close to finishing the CD commercial project that I have mentioned before, but my internal extra SATA drive has crashed, and I need a new one. On my main C drive I have 889 gigs free of the 931 gigs that is on the hard drive. I know we are recommended to stream the samples from another disc as I did have, but would it be temporarily ok to transfer them to my main C drive disc and stream from there?
I also have a non-energy saving disc drive, and I also have a Western Digital WD Caviar Blue 3.5" 500GB SATA 6.0Gb/s 7200RPM 16MB HDD (WD5000AAKX) hard drive, that is external, and I could connect that via one of those fast blue cable usb connections to my computer also.
Which would be the best way to go until I get a new Data drive?
Thanks for any info/help/advice someone can offer here.