@muziksculp said:
I see no issue, if VSL would let us simply know if they will be releasing NEW Orchestral Libraries in the near future. I mean just a Yes, or No, would be sufficient, no details needed. But if they choose to be totally secretive about this, that's their choice. I find this secretive model a bit outdated these days, more developers are being more open, and transparent about their future products, and plans, and are becoming more interactive with their customers, which helps both developer and end-user make wise decisions/choices. imho. this would be more beneficial than harmful to VSL, What's the problem with beocming a bit more transparent in the area of where they are heading in the area of sample developement. The competition ? I don't think that's an issue for VSL !
Maybe we will see something New from VSL during Sept. 2012, as far as Orch. Libraries are concerned. Afterall I don't think they have abandoned the sample library development part of their business model. OH ...then again, maybe they did
+ 1
...I must say I am getting a bit sick and tired of VSL's secrecy when it comes to informing their loyal customers of future products. Carrying on like this will only detract customers and steer them towards other competitors who have adopted a much better, modern approach....especially when VSL's products are so much more expensive and becoming more and more outdated in comparison!