02 VI-14_trem_sus_fA -Orchestral Violins- is not sustaining across more than 3-5 seconds, the higher notes -A6 and higher konk somwhere between 2 & 3 seconds. Trying to emulate Bruckner Sym 4 or Mahler sym 1 would be impossible on this articulation. (!) In fact, eventually, after about 6 seconds, all notes of the range-bottom to top- will disappear. In other words no where in this patch can notes be sustained past 5-6 seconds. Using long sustaind tremelo is a much needed articulation. Fortunately, the other tremelo sustained patches in the Orchestral Violins work in all the ranges and for any period of time.
Actually, 01 VA-10- trem_sus patch and 02 VA-10- trem_sus_fA patch-Orchestral Viola- won't sustain past 2-3 seconds either. I don't have the full Orchestral Libray so I can't test Celli and Bass. I understand these patches loop continuosly so I considered maybe the hard drive was having a slow momemnt or took a siesta but continual testing shows this to not be the case as the other sustain in the orchestra viola library 03 VA-10- trem_sus_fA _auto patch will sustain for over 10 seconds! Also, I have not found any problems in sustained notes in any of the other libraries, so the system seems to be doing its part in looping sustained notes.
Can anyone else duplicate this?