You are completely correct and making a logical arguement. In fact, I would go so far as to say that you are just speaking in terms of common sense. Check the thread called 'Soprano sax legato inconsistency' and you will see that mvanbebber was banned from this forum for relentlessly pursuing this problem. In the thread, Herb admits: "Our expirience with the soprano is: performance legato recording works perfectly in piano, works also perfectly in forte in a slided style, but does not work in normal forte legato."
The many subsequent attempts and demos trying to prove otherwise are an attempt, in my opinion to conceal this inconsistency in the forte performance legato patch, and label it a 'myth' to divert attention from the problem instead of fixing it. I would love to use the soprano forte legato like all the other instruments in the VSL library, but you CANNOT. You absolutely CANNOT use it in mockups of classical music becuase of it's uncharacterstic slide from one note to another (this is what is posted by mvanbebber in the aforementioned thread - sounds like he was trying to do a mockup of 'Molly on the Shore' by Percy Grainger). THAT is why many users have labeled it (JUST THE SOPRANO FORTE LEGATO, NOW) unusable.
Let me be pretentious and try to boil the debate down to it's essential components:
1.) The SXS_perf-leg_f patch (NONE OF THE OTHER PATCHES FOR THE ENTIRE SOPRANO SAX INSTRUMENT) has a pronounced slide from one note to another, very inconsistent with ALL the other forte performance legato instruments in the entire VSL library.
2.) Herb admits that the VSL team was not able to get this patch to work correctly becuase of an 'overtone' that appeared between each note during the soprano performance legato recording sessions. This may have been caused by the player or any number of elements.
3.) The VSL team has no plans to change this, and/or no time to re-record this patch, and in the meantime is using 'Straw man' arguments to attack portions of users' posts on the subject to divert attention from the problem. For example, no one is arguing that the ENTIRE instrument is unusable for their needs, just the forte performance legato - which in my opinion is the most important patch of all.
4.) Further complicating the issue, several users have created demos showing the 'usefullness' of the other soprano sax patches (NOT THE FORTE LEGATO SOPRANO SAX), which were never in quesiton to begin with.
UUHHHH...... [:'(]