I have two quick questions to ask. The first is framed as a question/criticism, and the second one is a workflow/technique one, both related to the same issue.
1.- I am rebuiliding my templates from scratch, and this is reminding me of something I've never quite understood:
Why do the Appassionata patches seem to be "incomplete", at least in comparison to the regular orchestral strings?
For instance, there are no fp or sffz articulations (with or without vibrato), no strong dynamics patches (and without vibrato), there is only one flavor of Staccato and detache (instead of 2), etc.
Is VSL going to increment this library to include more of those patches in the near future?
2.- In the mean time, while that hopefully happens one day, I'd like to know how you guys deal with those "missing" patches when you need them?
For instance, if you use Appassionata vilonins as your First violins and regular Orchestral Violins for the Second violins, do you actually mix patches from Appassionata and Orchestral for the first violins?
Suppose you really need a fp with no vibrato or a cresc non-vib for the first vlns... do you simply mix your 1st vlns matrixes to include sounds from both collections? I've tried it, and sometimes I can hear a noticeable difference in timbre (but not always), depending on the context and what comes before and after, etc.
Is that common practice? Or do you prefer to use the time stretch funcion (when possible) to make up for the missing short staccato notes, for instance?
So in this case, in the scenario I mentioned above (1st Vlns App and 2nd vlns regular Orchestral collection), would you rather use the short staccato from the 2nd violins or use the time stretch function?
I'm just want to see how you guys approach this problem, especially now that I'm rebuiliding my templates.
I'd also appreciate any other ideas or suggestions to deal with this.
Thank you.