Hello everyone, this is my first post here in the community section.
I'm in need of some guidance. I've bought Vienna Ensemble Pro 5 and I'm trying to synch my Logic with VEP5.
This is what I did:
(in VEP5)
- opened Vienna Ensemble Pro Server (64-bit)
- clicked 'add' which opened Vienna Ensemble Pro
- created a track with a Kontakt plug-in (with all the multi-output already configured to 16 stereo) and picked an instrument
- choose the second midi channel
- save it
(in Logic Pro)
- created a multi timbral instrument (midi instrument)
- inserted the ensemble pro AU
Result: I can't hear the instrument
Could you help me with this?
Thank you so much.
VEP5 and Logic Pro 9.1.7
you can download a song that uses VEP 5 and MIR pro
It should work without MIR pro
tell me if it is working ok
Hey Cyril, The link you gave me doesn't produce any results other than the Vienna Ensemble Community.
Look in your download folder you should get a file "tutorial.zip" of more than 20 mb, when expanded it is a Logic file that is named :
VEP 5 Project 5-6.1 with IAC AI tutorial
You must unzip on the computer that has logic otherwise you will get a folder
Just try it the server is up and running
Hey Cyril. Thanks for you tutorial, It was interesting. Still it wasn't exactly what I was searching for. But in the meantime I found it :) I opened the server first, then logic pro. Created an instrument track, placed the vep plug in. It automatically opened an instance to introduce my instruments. But before choosing the instruments I went to the environment page and created a multi instrument and transformer. After loading up the instruments, I created external midi tracks for each one and assigned the channels in logic. It went perfectly!! I have to thank Tobias Escher's tutorial for this :)